Wednesday, 02 March 2022 16:39

5 reasons to book a massage

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Massage helps relieve neck pain and headaches

Headache is not always a signal of serious diseases, it often comes from excessive overexertion of the neck muscles, which is accompanied by a weak blood flow to the brain. Long hours spent by computers, laptops and other gadgets, as well as reading in an uncomfortable position, negatively affect the health of the spine.

In such cases taking painkillers is not an option, it is better to carry out a half hour collar zone massage. Speaking about spa Riga is lucky to have an Elien spa parlor. Facial massage performed by our specialists does wonders in relaxing and taking your mind away. Light massaging of the temporal zone and the area behind the ears is also helpful.

Boosts immunity and improves overall well-being

Thai massage is a whole health system recommended for depression, sleep disturbances, including insomnia, increased tiredness and muscle spasms. It relieves tension, promotes complete relaxation and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Back pains go away, joints and ligaments work smoothly, the circulatory system improves. The whole body begins to cleanse itself, you become slimmer, even cellulite becomes less noticeable.

Also, thanks to Thai technique from Elien spa in Riga, your stress level decreases, you become calm and balanced, sleep improves, problems of the genitourinary system disappear, peace and harmony with yourself appear. Massage starts a rejuvenation program and life changes radically.

The modern complex method of myo reflexion technique helps to gently rebuild the processes in the body by pressing hands on trigger points, muscle chains, fascial membranes, internal organs, vertebrae and joints.

Eliminates chronic stress and tension

Quality sleep is an essential aspect of well-being and alertness throughout the day. A massage course will help to improve it and get rid of insomnia. It relieves tension, reduces the level of stress hormones in blood. It also helps to establish biorhythms through the production of serotonin, which controls the human biological clock.

Relaxing oil massage combined with aromatherapy is a perfect choice for such matters. Lavender, chamomile, cypress, cedarwood, neroli, and frankincense essential oils can enhance the effect of the therapy.

Eliminates cellulite and excess weight

Diet and exercise alone can often not be the answer to the problem. But accompanied with anti-cellulite massage techniques they surely help your skin and subcutaneous fat improve dramatically. Thanks to the intensive warming up of the muscles, anti-cellulite technique improves the blood microcirculation. Metabolic process and lymph flow is activated and the process of splitting fat cells is accelerated. All together these processes help remove excess fluid from your body, increase muscle tone and improve skin structure.

A course of massage in Elien spa Riga reduces the appearance of new cellulite, making the skin on the thighs and buttocks smoother. To achieve maximum results through massage, it is important to rethink your diet to a balanced one, include special cosmetics in your day to day care routine, and engage in active sports. Visceral techniques will help to normalize the work of all internal organs and the digestive system.

Reduces muscle fatigue after exercise

Sports massage is an effective method of strengthening muscles and preventing various injuries. There are 3 categories of sports massage - recovery, preparatory and training. All three methods are aimed to increase the efficiency of muscles, improves the mobility of ligaments and joints.

Swedish massage technique involves a deep effect on the muscles. It is performed by qualified massage of Elien spa in Riga. It helps to improve flexibility, relieve swelling and fatigue, eliminate muscle spasms, stimulate blood circulation and speed up the recovery period after injuries.

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