Latvian Traditional Classic Massage
Straight spine is an important component of health and well-being. However, people could not even move a finger without a powerful muscle frame. It is often difficult to determine accurately the source of tension and pain - it seems that all body hurts.
Indeed, the human body is a unique mechanism, which means that you should have a comprehensive approach to solving problems. Precisely this approach is prescribed in the technique of classic massage. You can solve the following problem using this technique:
- Elimination and relief of muscle pain;
- Prevention of musculoskeletal problems;
- Facilitating the state of digestive system disorders;
- Relieving stress in collar zone;
- Improving blood circulation and metabolism;
- Removing fatigue and energizing;
- Rehabilitation after trauma and surgeries;
- Treatment of apathy, depression and stress;
- Improving the quality of sleep and rest.
- 1 hour - 70 euros
- 1,5 hours - 100 euros
- 2 hours – 130 euros